What are Life Groups?
Life groups are small groups of ordinary people, just like you. They spend time together in the hopes of getting to know one another. Life groups typically meet a couple of times per month, and meetings average a couple of hours in length. They will probably share a meal together. They talk, and they laugh. They learn the Bible together, and they pray together. When times are good, they celebrate and give thanks together. When times are bad, they help each other keep going so that they can keep growing.
Why Join a Life Group?
We need each other. It's just that plain and simple. You don't have to walk through this life alone. There is a circle of people who would love to make the journey with you. You need them, and they need you. So, why don't you let us help you connect with the life group that is perfect for you?
How to Join a Life Group.
If you would like to join a life group, click the link below, and we will get you in contact with our Discipleship Pastor: Ronnie Hodge.